Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Winvian Farm Day 2

Back again with another post from Winvian Farm! It's a little delayed- I was super busy after we got back from vacation. Tons of studying to do! This post is going to be very photo-heavy, seeing that this was our only full day in Connecticut. In my opinion, this was the best and most fun day. 

Breakfast at the hotel was fabulous. I got the french toast both days! (Could not resist). 

How beautiful was the spa on the resort?! I seriously died when I saw it. 

My "before shot" in the spa locker room leading up to the massage, hehe. 

Hands down one of the best things I did on the trip was get a Swedish massage. I had never gotten an actual massage before in a spa, so I was a little hesitant to go through with it. I've heard horror stories of getting sick after massages, or the masseuse seriously injuring the customer. In the end, I'm so glad I did it- the whole thing was amazing!
 My masseuse had just the right amount of pressure, and helped get rid of a lot of the pain that had been creeping up my back and neck for weeks. I really recommend a Swedish massage for beginner spa-goers or a first time massage- they are quite easy to take on, and not as intense as something like a deep tissue session. Needless to say, I left the spa after my 50 minute appointment feeling relaxed and ready to take on the rest of the day! You can tell by my face in the next picture how luxurious and calm the whole process was, ha! 

After everyone in my family got treated at the spa, we shuffled back to the cottage and readied to go to lunch. While my parents were getting dressed, Emily and I took a walk through the gorgeous organic gardens (conveniently right outside our cottage's back patio!). These are only a few of the 100 pictures I must have snapped: 

Winvian Farm is in the hills of Litchfield, so we decided to travel 5 minutes into the adorable town that is the heart of Litchfield for lunch and some shopping! There's this one street with a much of little shops/cafes lined up and down the road. Plenty to do and see! (and eat!!!). One store on my list was R. Derwin Clothiers

It took all of my willpower not to buy this raincoat! (Asking for this Barbour one for my birthday)

We ate a delicious pizza at Defranco's, and went back to the resort to go kayaking. That was one of my absolute favorite things we did on the trip. It was really fun to go paddling through the marshes and swamps that were full of turtles and fish (No pictures from this, since I didn't want to drop my camera or phone in the water). Then, my favorite part of the whole day... dinner! My whole family got dressed up, and headed out to take some photos before we walked over to the restaurant. 

Via Instagram

I wore my favorite summer shirtdress (currently 40% off!) to dinner! Easy, light, and comfortable. 

My mom snapped this funny picture of me as I was walking... Haha!

 We made reservations at the hotel's 5 star restaurant, Farm To Table. Essentially, the menu changes every night to accommodate whatever is picked from the garden that day. The dinner was long. 3 and a half hours to be exact! There were tiny courses in between our main appetizers and entrees. 

Finally, it was back to the cottage for s'mores by the fire- so fun! 

Still not done sharing photos from this short vacation! More to come. 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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