Thursday, August 13, 2015

Favorite Memoirs

Recently, I have been reading a LOT of memoirs. I don't know what it is, I just find reading about other people's lives/experiences to be very interesting and fulfilling. I take what I can from each book, whether it be a small quote, a bit of advice, or a new perspective on things. Sometimes, a really good memoir can completely change my mindset and beliefs! (If it's really convincing). Other times, I don't take anything from a book, I just enjoy reading about another person's endeavors. Here are some of my favorites that I've gotten through: 

Yes Please (Amy Poehler)- Hysterically funny! I think I laughed out loud at least once every chapter while reading this book. I love Amy Poehler as a person and an actress, so I was thrilled to gain a little bit more insight as to how her mind works. She's a very funny lady, but can also be serious when needed. The book has it all: flashbacks, childhood memories, funny anecdotes, hilarious rants, and inspiring commentary. She gave some great advice on being true to yourself, and how to make the most of every opportunity. Overall, I loved the book!!!  It really inspired me to seize all the chances I get to do what I love and am passionate about! 

Orange Is The New Black (Piper Kerman)- I recently finished this book and it automatically went to the top of my list. I don't want to give it such a prestigious title, but it may (?) be the best memoir I've read yet! Piper Kerman wrote with such raw emotion, and held nothing back here. It opened the doors to prison life, and how unfair the justice system can be at times. I fell in love with every character (the best part is, these are all real people!) she befriended during her sentence. I tried watching the show a while back, but could only get through 2 episodes. Hopefully now that I've read the book, I can get into the show and really appreciate the storyline! 

I Am Malala (Malala Yousafzai) - I read this book in 3 days flat! It was an option off the list for required summer reading at my school, and I snatched up the opportunity to read it (I had been wanting to purchase this book for a while). Our summer reading lists are never good, but this year it had some pretty great options! I plowed through this book and could not put it down. I definitely related to Malala in her spirit, through her fight to receive equal education as a woman. I believe this book is amazingly empowering, inspiring, and laid the groundwork for women all around the world! 

Beauty (Lauren Conrad)- This is more of a manual then a memoir, but there are parts of it that do resemble a memoir. I absolutely adore Lauren Conrad- it's safe to say she is in the top 3 for favorite celebrities! I've had this book for so long and constantly refer back to it when I need a bit of makeup or hair advice. It contains a encyclopedia's worth of information on skincare, makeup tricks & application, and general life style habits. Plus, there's some pretty cute throwback pictures of Lauren scattered throughout, with some life lessons she's learned. I also LOVE her partner book Style, which is the same thing as this book, but fashion related. They both sit on my vanity for inspiration, but also would make for a great set of coffee table books! 

Some other memoirs on my list "to-read": 

What are some of your favorites?! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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