Monday, August 24, 2015

Tips For Getting A Better Night's Sleep

It's no secret that ever since I got mono, my sleep schedule has been seriously messed up. You guys, it's BAD. Sometimes, I feel like I'm never going to fall asleep. Other times, I feel like a sleep machine that can never be woken up! However, I find now that most of the trouble comes in when I CANT fall asleep. I used to lay in my bed for hours with my eyes open, begging somehow I would be able to get rest. By changing a few simple things in my night routine and lifestyle, my sleeping habits have improved immensely. For the most part, I am able to fall asleep easily now- except for some rough nights occasionally. My tips for getting a better night's sleep: 

Water // Drinking water has surprisingly helped me a ton. Obviously, staying hydrated has numerous health benefits. I took it one step further and always drink 2 glasses of lemon water after dinner. One right when I'm done with dinner, and one about a half hour before I go to bed. It makes all the difference!!! I wake up feeling refreshed, and without a dry mouth. 

No electronics // This was probably the hardest transition for me, but I try (for the most part) to stay off my electronics after 8:30 pm. It's been proven over and over again that making your brain go to work right before bed completely ruins any hope of falling asleep. As soon as you turn on your bright screen, your eyes become strained and you instantly perk up. I try to get all emails, blog posts, and Instagram time out of the way before 8:30. That way, I know for sure I'm in for a relaxing evening without the added stress of social media. I do let myself watch TV, though. I watch a little bit around 9, for an hour or so- it helps calm me down and take my mind off things! 

Reading // No objection here to this welcome change! I love to read, and carving out specific time in my day to curl up with a book is the best thing in the world for me. Reading instantly puts my mind at ease, makes me sleepy (but not in a boring way!), and gets my brain ready for sleep. Sometimes I have to catch myself though- if a book is too interesting, I have the urge to stay up late and finish it! My Kindle is off-limits at this time of night (sticking with the no-electronics rule). Hardcover or paperback only! 

Skincare // Going through my skincare routine at the end of the night immediate starts to wind my body down for the day. Something about ending the day with my skin signals it's time for sleep. Take the time out to thorough cleanse, tone, and moisturizer your skin- not only will it keep your skin clear, but it's very calming/luxurious. 

The 4-7-8 Trick // I recently discovered this sleeping hack while browsing Pinterest to get ideas for this post. I tried it one night and it completely works wonders. Basically the idea is that you breathe in through your nose for four seconds, hold your breathe for 7 seconds, and exhale through your mouth for 8 seconds. Apparently this certain combination of seconds slows your heart rate and immediately puts your body into "rest mode." I couldn't believe how well this simple trick worked! Honestly give it a try- I was skeptical at first, but I now do this breathing routine every night in bed. Unless I'm completely and utterly not tired, it always does the trick. 

Melatonin // If all else fails, melatonin! It’s a natural supplement that works for most people. I pick mine up at CVS (no prescription needed). At night about a half hour before I go to bed, I’ll take 10 milligrams. It works wonders, and doesn’t make you feel drowsy when you wake up (like some sleeping pills might). But I only use melatonin as a last resort. I don’t like using pills unless I absolutely cannot fall asleep. 

Those were my tips for getting a better night’s sleep! 

Do you have trouble falling asleep like I do?! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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