Saturday, August 8, 2015

Favorite Snacks

I've been really cracking down this summer and getting a lot of work done. At my desk all morning studying, and on the computer all afternoon working/checking emails. I'm actually pretty amazed by how productive I'm being! (sticking to a schedule is making everything easier). I get super hungry throughout the day in between meals, so I like to graze on snacks while I work. I'm definitely a snacker- I simply can't last the day with only breakfast, lunch, and dinner! In the past, I used to reach for really unhealthy things to eat (like cheesedoodles), which in turn would make me lose my appetite for an actual meal. I started making smarter choices about what I eat for snacks, and have loved the change. Now don't get me wrong, I'll still eat junk food but it's a much smaller portion and less often. Here are the things I like to munch on while at my desk all day: 

All photos via Tumblr

Edamame // These are seriously so addicting! Probably the healthiest option out of all the snacks, I'll grab a handful and crunch on them while I type. They're sweet and crispy and are so fun to eat!!! Sometimes, I'll have a little bit of dip with them (but hummus is a healthier option if you like it). Here's an awesome recipe for garlic edamame- way more decadent than just eating them plain!

Raspberries // I have to say, any type of berries in the summer will make me happy. I'll wash a bowl of fresh raspberries and savor them for an hour or two. They're also great to infuse with pink lemonade-my favorite! Really, any fresh fruit will do here. 

Honey Wheat Twisted Pretzels // I love these pretzels! They're sweet AND salty so you get the best of both worlds. Somehow, I convince myself that these are healthier than regular pretzels... 

Cashews // When I want to eat a bag of chips, I'll eat a tiny bowl of cashews instead. They satisfy my salt craving, and also are a really good source of protein. Don't eat too many, or else they'll fill you up! 

Popcorn // Lastly, my all time favorite snack! I eat popcorn so so much, and love popping it fresh on the stove. But, some classic movie theater microwave popcorn doesn't hurt either! Not the healthiest option, but I could be eating worse. 

These 5 snacks really help me not to get hangry (an actual word, I experience it all the time) waiting in between meals. Especially when I'm working all day, I need to have some things to hold me over. 

What are your favorite things to snack on?! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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