Monday, August 17, 2015

Goodreads Account!

Lately, I've been piling on the reading. Whether it be on my Kindle or a good ol' fashioned book, the point of the matter is that I'm reading a lot! I recently have been obsessed with Goodreads! It makes it so easy and simple to keep track of all your books. You can customize your own shelves, but I just stick with the 3 default ones: "to-read", "read", and "currently reading". Another cool feature: you can set a goal to read a certain number of books, and the website will track the progress for you! I had a different Goodreads account before and sort of neglected it, so I made a brand new account that I'll be updating regularly. I already have over 70 books on my shelves! (Most being "to-read"). 
Follow me here to stay updated on what books I'm loving at the moment, or to get some recommendations. After I finish a book, I'll give it a rate out of 5 stars and write a brief review of it. 

If you download the Goodreads app, you can scan the barcode of the back of your book with your phone's camera- it automatically syncs the book onto one of your shelves! So cool! 

Does anyone else have a Goodreads account? I'm obsessed! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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