Thursday, August 20, 2015

Big Brother!

I wanted to do a quick post today on something I've seriously been obsessed with for the past month: Big Brother! If you don't know what that is, it's a reality TV show that takes place over the course of the whole summer into September. Basically, 16 people (called "houseguests") live in a house on a soundstage without any outside communication, internet, or forms of entertainment. There are cameras in every corner of the house 24/7 watching their every move! Each week, one person is evicted from the house by votes coming from the other houseguests. To win the game of Big Brother, you need to be the last person in the house and you'll then win $500,000!!! In between an eviction every week, there's a few different competitions.

 One, is the Head of Household competition. Whoever wins that gets to stay in the nicest room of the house for the week and must nominate two houseguests for eviction. Then, there's the Power of Veto competition, where the nominees, the HOH (head of household), and 3 other random draws compete to win the golden power of veto. Whoever wins that game gets the chance to "veto" one of the nominations for eviction, therefore saving them from being evicted from the house. 

Those are the basic rules of the game, but there's different twists and turns throughout as the number of houseguests becomes smaller and smaller. I only started watching Big Brother this season and was completely new to it! I caught on very quickly so I do think that anyone can watch the show even if they don't know anything about it. 

My favorite part of the show is getting to know the different people inside the house and all. the. drama. It's hilarious to watch how things play out between different alliances (where people form bonds of trust to ensure that they won't get voted out by that party, or decide to work together to get another person out of the house). There are "showmances" between players- I give them credit seeing as they spend 24 hours a day with the person and still manage to like them! 

             As for my favorite player on the show? A toss up between Jonny Mac (!) and Meg. Jonny Mac is easily the most lovable person in the house with his spunky attitude and goofiness. Meg is a close second- I think she's adorable and fun. I hope the set of them make it to the final two. There's a set of twins on the show as well, Liz and Julia. I absolutely cannot stand Liz, partially because she has a showmance with Austin. (Their whole relationship just makes me shudder). Her twin sister Julia however, is awesome and totally sassy. 

The whole show is entirely addicting. The fights that break out sometimes are intense, but it makes the show so much more interesting! I cannot believe how invested I've become in this show... I also cannot believe that I never started watching until this summer! I think if there's one show you should really give a chance, Big Brother would be it. It's more than just a reality TV show- it technically is just a game show with some drama/betrayal involved, ha. Definitely try watching the first episode, even if you don't like reality TV! 

Who are your favorite houseguests?! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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