Sunday, August 9, 2015

Weekly Round-Ups

This week was all sorts of crazy! The unfiltered and completely candid picture of me and Max above pretty much describes how I felt at the end of the week. Hosted a family get together that went from last week into the beginning of this one. Studied a ton, went to brunch twice, plowed through 4 (!!!) books: this, this, this, and this (a personal fav but always so creepy). It was also the One Direction concert! I simply had the best time with one of my best friends- it was the perfect midweek excursion. I went a little out of my comfort zone and tried Hibachi again with my family (the first time I absolutely hated it). I guess my taste buds are changing, because I ended up loving the meal! So. Good. I even participated in the saki drinking contest, oy. Proof that our likes/dislikes change as we get older. I witnessed the most beautiful sunset ever last night! The sky looked like cotton candy. Lately, I've also been getting into drinking coffee. I had a cup both times I went to brunch, and started going down to the bakery every morning to pay for a medium cup before I sit down to study. 

Now onto my weekly round-ups (can you tell I'm obsessed with pinstripes?!): 

10. I want to order every single thing from this collaboration line! 

What interesting things have you rounded up this week?! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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