Sunday, August 30, 2015

Weekly Round-Ups

I completely freaked out at the beginning of this week, when I realized that it's my last full week of summer. How has the time flown by so fast?! I literally feel like I was just wrapping up final exams and packing my things for the beach! But, I can't keep the summer from ending, no matter how much I want it to stay this warm forever. I go back to school on Wednesday, and have been making the most of my last few "endless" days of summer: at the beach almost every day, late night swims, all the ice cream! I also need to schedule quite a few personal appointments: nails, eyebrows, hair, massage... Some major work is needed before I go back, haha. I was pretty low-maitenance this summer in terms of beauty. No plucking my eyebrows, rarely putting on makeup, and neglecting heat on my hair. Although I am excited to get back into the swing of being "put together," it has been nice to kick back in the beauty department! 

Now onto my weekly round-ups (a whole bunch this week!): 

Hope everyone had a great week! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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