Sunday, June 28, 2015

Weekly Round-Ups

This week has truly been blissful. It was the first week of summer vacation!!! I honestly had the best week. We had parties 4 nights in a row (dinner with friends from the city, father's day bash, a bonfire, and another dinner), and I couldn't have asked for a better way to kick off the summer. There were two special holidays thrown into the mix (Father's Day & National Wear Your Lilly Day), and I finally got the opportunity to do nothing. We got down to the beach a few days ago, and life is good. We took an amazing bike ride last night, went to the beach in the morning, and had a backyard BBQ. All very summery things this week. 

I also picked up this adorable pair of buttercup scallop shorts from Lilly! 

Some notable things this week: 

1. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. J.K. Rowling just keeps launching new information out onto the web every week it seems like! I could not hold in my excitement of hearing the news this morning! Yes, I've already subscribed to the ticketing email list... a short trip to London anyone? 

2. Gay Marriage Legalized. Another HUGE thing that happened this week! It's kind of amazing that we are all part of a momentous moment in history.

3. Jesse Skort Romper. My sister and I currently have this romper in our shopping cart-it would be the perfect thing to wear for our 5th of July party! I cannot get over how adorable and fun it is. 

4. National Wear Your Lilly Day. After the fact, I loved scrolling through tumblr to see everyone's favorite Lilly pieces! (It also lent itself to some fabulous inspiration.)

What did you find interesting this week?!

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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