Friday, June 26, 2015

Easy Summer Snack Recipes

I'm back today sharing some of my favorite summertime snack/appetizer recipes! There's nothing I love more than food in the warmer months- everything is cold, refreshing, and tasty. All the recipes I'm sharing today are my personal favorites, tried and tested. You can find most of these recipes online yourself, but I'm just sharing what I normally do to make the dishes. 

Bruschetta// I love going to restaurants and ordering a savory plate of bruschetta as an appetizer, but it can also taste pretty darn good if you make it yourself! 

1. Drizzle olive oil over sliced pieces of a baguette
2. Dice up cherry tomatoes, garlic, and basil leaves in a small bowl & mix with olive oil
3. Heat the baguette slices on a grill/flat pan until it's toasted to your liking 
4. Put the tomato/garlic/basil mixture onto the baguette slices
5. Drizzle balsamic vinagrette over the slices, add salt & pepper

My secret ingredient: I love melting mozzerella onto the baguette slices in the oven. It tastes unreal! 

Pasta Salad// In my opinion, the epitome of summer and the dish of backyard BBQ's. It's also basically the simplest recipe in the world. 

1. Cook tri-color rotini pasta 
2. Add vegetables (bell peppers, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower)
3. Mix everything together with your favorite italian dressing! 

My secret ingredient: A tiny bit of parmesean cheese will enhance all the flavors.

Homemade Chipwich// Ah, this snack brings back the nostalgia of summer camp. We would all fight to get the last chipwich at the camp store! Now, you don't need to fight for one, you can just make it yourself. 

1. Bake chocolate chip cookies 
2. Stick a scoop of vanilla ice cream (or whatever flavor you prefer) in between two cookies and you're done. 

My secret ingredient: Another alternative for a quick snack is doing the same thing, but with Oreos. You guys, it's amazing. Just separate a cookie and put ice cream in between! 

Berry Smoothie// I'm normally not a smoothie drinker- they're too heavy and I can never finish a full one. But this berry smoothie is delicious. Recently, I've been finding myself starting to become a berry kind of girl. Summer is the perfect time for tangy black berries, sweet raspberries, and savory blueberries! 

1. Put in blender: 
2 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt 
1 cup blueberries 
1/2 blackberries 
1/2 cup raspberries 
2 tablespoons of flax seed (I normally skip this step, but I saw it in the recipe on Right At Home's website).

My secret ingredient: Ice. Lots of ice. Perfect for those hot days! (Also, you can make this smoothie into frozen popsicles!)

What are your favorite summer snacks?

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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