Friday, June 26, 2015

5 Ways To Make Yourself Feel Better

Something that I struggle with daily, is not letting my perfectionism get to my head. It can really prevent me from getting things accomplished on my to-do list, or even just sticking to a schedule/routine. When I'm in one of my funks, there are 5 simple things I can do to help me feel better: 

1. Paint your nails. There's nothing better than giving yourself a fresh manicure. I love using Essie's apricot cuticle oil to pamper myself. While my nails are drying, I'll watch Netflix! 

2. Read a chick-lit. Reading books always makes me feel better, but when I'm in a funk I need to read something lighthearted. You don't really have to think about it, you can just enjoy the read! Some of my favorite chick-lits include: L.A. Candy, Something Borrowed, and White Girl Problems (absolutely hilarious).

3. Ice Cream! Ice cream without a doubt, always cheers me up. Cake batter is a guilty pleasure of mine.

4. How I Met Your Mother. This show is basically one of those feel good, always funny shows. There's really no sad parts in the series, (ok maybe sometimes...) and it never fails to make me actually laugh out loud. 

5. Write out a to-do list. This may not be for everyone, but I feel extra accomplished when I'm able to successfully plan out my day... and stick to that plan! Writing a list of all the tiny tasks I need to get done allows me to divide my day up into small chunks- that way, I don't feel overwhelmed.

Those are my tips for making yourself feel better! 

Anything in particular that you guys do?

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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