Friday, June 12, 2015

Weekly Round-Up's

This week was absolutely killer. Since this is technically the last week of classes (next week is 3 days of finals), teachers are cramming in tests, projects, and extra homework assignments! I feel like I start every blog post with a complaint about school.... Oops. That's junior year for ya!

In the midst of all the work, I did get a free strawberry frosted donut (aka the best kind) on Thursday. It's the little things. 

I also treated myself to a manicure so I can have bright nails when I'm inside studying this whole weekend for finals. :/ Essie's Vibrant Vibes on my nails!

Onto my weekly roundup: 
1. Tassel Top. Much cheaper version of a one I saw on Tuckernuck. It also, in my opinion, comes in much cuter patterns! 

2. Leather scallop tote. 
Just ordered this from Marley Lilly! I got brown leather, with a white block monogram. I simply cannot wait until it gets here!! I have a feeling this is going to be the bag I use all summer long.

3. Bathing suit. Keeping with the trend of monograms, this bathing suit was also quickly added to the shopping cart. I really wanted a simple white monogrammed bikini for the summer so I knew this one would be perfect. It's also from Marley Lilly! (They are killing it right now with all of their selections for the summer. Although, this monogrammed bible cover is kind of weird.

4. Transgender article. A very interesting viewpoint, to say the least. At first I was unsure of how I felt towards the opinions of the writer, but I found myself agreeing with many of the points they made! Extremely empowering. 

5. An American Hogwarts! Omg, guys. I don't know if any of you saw J.K Rowling's tweets, but this article sums it up. There IS a possibility- new series anyone? 

6. Lauren Conrad Pop Innovator. A pretty long youtube video to sit through, but totally worth it. It's no secret my celebrity crush has always been Lauren Conrad. This documentary on her rise to success, and the process of building her empire is so interesting! I will say this video left me entertained for hours clicking on the "reccomended tab" on youtube. There were endless amounts of interviews with Lauren that I couldn't stop watching!! 

7. Fashion Boulevard. Love this blog! Iliana is ironically the style editor for a so you can see why I have an inclination towards her site. 

8. Bobbi Brown Makeup Manual. Picked this book up a long time ago, and only just now am I sitting down to read it! I'm only a few chapters in and it's already so awesome & informative. 

See any interesting things this week? 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann

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