Friday, June 19, 2015

Current Skincare Routine

No matter day or night, I never go a day without going through my skincare routine. Yes I have short cuts on those days where I just can't be bothered, but at least one product is going onto my face every day. I've found throughout the years that truly taking good care of your skin works wonders. (it really does!) Finding what works for you, and becoming educated about your skin will only help you in the long run. It doesn't have to be overly complicated with layers of different products! It just needs to cater to what your skin needs.

Step 1: Cleansing. First, I'll remove the bulk of my makeup with the Simple miscellar cleaning water. It's literally a god send! It's not greasy at all, and removes even the toughest eye makeup. After I remove it with a cotton round, I'll go in with a cleanser. For me, I like a gentle and frothy cleanser. The first aid beauty gentle cleanser is amazing! It's very natural, doesn't contain harsh chemicals, and thoroughly gets all the gunk off your face. I'll use this in the morning before I put on toner and moisturizer, and in the shower at night to get off the rest of my makeup.

 Step 2: Tone. Toner can make all the difference. One of my guilty pleasure is toner in a mist form-especially if it smells nice! I use the Fresh rose floral toner every single day no matter what. It's refreshing, cooling, and de-stressing. Sometimes I'll even spray it on my pillows before I go to sleep, because rose is a less harsh version of lavender. I also really like this tea tree oil facial mist from Lush.

Step 3: Moisturize. I cannot say this enough, moisturizing is the most important part of taking care of your skin! It prevents wrinkles down the road, keeps your skin smooth, and surprisingly prevents oil/shine. Don't be afraid if you have oily skin-find a good light moisturizer with SPF. My skin used to be oily but has become more normal after years of using a solid moisturizer. My favorites include the Aveeno daily nourishing, First Aid Beauty ultra repair cream, Simple 24 hr day/night cream, and Chanel le jour (a serum).

Step 4: Eye cream. I'm not particularly picky about eye cream-my only request is that it be thick. I have a really dry under eye area so whatever eye cream I'm using at the moment, has to be able to keep that situation at bay! I'm currently using and loving the Origins ginseng eye cream, but an old favorite is the Kiehl's avocado eye cream. (It's very heavy and perfect for the winter months!)

Step 5: Lips! I think taking care of your lips is an integral part of your skincare routine. I can't stand when my lips are chapped. I love thick lip balms (we all know the squeezy tubes are the best!!) and the one I've been using lately gets the job done. Smith's rosebud salve is amazing! It used to be in a tin form, but they switched it over to a tube and I'm so glad-much easier to handle. 

Besides from my daily routine, I have a few other essential skincare products!

Yes To Cucumber Makeup Remover Wipes 
The Body Shop Tea Tree Oil Mask

What's your current skincare routine?

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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