Tuesday, June 16, 2015


I love to travel. But, during the school year it's quite hard for my family to find a time to book a trip that works with everyone's schedule. I have something going on nearly every day after school and on weekends, and missing a day of school is not worth the work you have to make up. So, if we do go on any sort of vacation, it's normally during the summer (or a spring break). We haven't traveled really at all this year as a family! My dad and I went to Washington DC a few months ago for a short visit, and I also went to DC on a class trip a month before. But other than that, my year has been sans-travel. I really want to do some great trips this summer. I've been wanting to visit so many places- not huge, 10 day vacations across Europe though. I'm thinking I want to spend my summer doing short 3-4 day trips in small cities, towns, or visiting places I've never been before. That seems to work best with everyone's schedule. Here's the places we're planning to go: 

Winvian Farms// This trip is the one I'm most excited for! My mom and I decided to book this trip to surprise my dad for father's day (on Sunday). The trip is set for the end of July, and we're having such a hard time deciding which adorable cottage to stay in. Library, or Charter Oak? I've never been to Connecticut before, and the town of Litchfield seems charming. Also, there's so many activities to do in the summertime on the farm! 

Niagara Falls// This trip is coming up rather quickly. We're trying to go at the end of June. Niagara Falls has been on our family vacation list for so long. Finally, we're going to go! I think we are staying on the Canada side, not the New York side. Since this trip is very close, I'll be doing a separate post on it.

Charleston, SC// I think Charleston has got to be one of my all time favorite cities! I love southern towns, they are absolutely beautiful in the summer. The buildings are charming, restaurants are delicious, and the activities you can do are endless. The last time we went was a couple of years ago, and it was one of my favorite trips we've ever done together as a family. Haven't decided on dates for the trip, but I'm hoping to fit in a couple of days. Maybe I'll even tour USC while I'm there! 

Boston/Nantucket, MA// I've been to Nantucket before and would love to go back. It reminds me of Martha's Vineyard a little bit. However, one place I've not been is Boston. It's a city I've been dying to go to for the longest time! Everyone I know loves Boston, and I really want to go. 

Washington, DC// I know for sure one place we will be visiting again is DC. It's my favorite city in the whole wide world. I could spend the rest of my life in DC. (and hopefully I will for college!) Every time we go (which is quite often), I never get sick of shopping down M Street in Georgetown, checking out the Smithsonians, or getting a quick bite to eat at Shake Shack. The hotel we always stay at? The Ritz Carlton Georgetown- an absolutely beautiful location & fabulous staff. Also, Georgetown is home to my absolute favorite Vineyard Vines location. *heart eyes*


 Bay Head, NJ// This is where I'll be spending the bulk of my summer! For the past few years, we haven't traveled during the summer because we've had our own little paradise- our beach house! Words cannot describe the feeling I get when school is over, and we finally get to go down to the beach for the summer. We live there the entire summer break, and I love it there. Our town is so quaint, and there's plenty of things to do there. My favorite past time is sitting out on our front porch with Max in the morning. 

Hopefully, all of these trips pull through! I know at least two of them will, but fingers crossed at the others. Our family is not the best at planning vacations... 

Where do you want to travel this summer? 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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