Wednesday, June 15, 2016


I had the BEST time at my senior prom. Aside from Disney, it was my favorite event this year! I went with one of my best guy friends, so it made the whole night even greater. 


 I wore this gorgeous periwinkle dress that wasn't too flashy, but had a little bit of sparkle. The silver band that wraps around under your chest is the perfect accent. The rest of the dress was pretty simple, but I think that elegant goes a long way at these types of events. Surprisingly, it was only $114!

My aunt ended up driving to my house from New York to do my hair for me, and I loved how it turned out. To figure out my hair, I sent a bunch of pictures to her straight from my Pinterest board, ha. We played around and combined a couple of different hairstyles until we decided on the right one! I love the little braids and twists throughout the back of my head that all end up wrapping into a low, messy chignon. We also stuck the bun a little off to the side so that I didn't look completely bald in pictures! 

I fell in love with these shoes the moment I saw them. They're a wayyy less expensive version of these ones! I also talked about how I got them for free in last week's Weekly Roundups

My clutch was very simple and very me. I used my favorite Vineyard Vines straw clutch- not your typical prom bag, but I think it worked with the gown. 

The jewelry was lent to me by my Mom. I got to wear some of her vintage pieces, which I loved. 

I ended up doing my own makeup, like last year. I actually loved how it turned out! I did a pretty intense smokey eye with a bronzed face and a neutral lip. 

I also wanted to quickly touch on my nails. I did a navy polish on my fingers and toes and I loved how the darker shade of blue paired with the periwinkle color of my dress. I did acrylic tips for the first time and I can say now that even a week after getting them done, they still look perfect. They're supposed to last 2 weeks without any refills, so we'll see how it goes! It did hurt getting them done- there's a part where you have to meld the plastic tips to your nails by painting layers of gel polish onto your nail and then sticking your fingers one by one under a UV light. That part hurt. It feels like your fingers are burning for about 15 seconds, and then the pain goes away. So just a warning if you've never gotten them done, it's going to hurt a little bit. 

Wearing: Gown // Shoes // Clutch 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

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