Wednesday, June 1, 2016

June Bucket List

May flew by so. fast. We had a bit of a rough start weather wise, but things shaped up around the end and we've had nothing but beautiful weather ever since! Unfortunately, I found out that I have to get surgery on my knee on June 27th- definitely not how I imagined my summer vacation starting. However, I am glad I'm getting the procedure done before I head off to college. I can't imagine going to school in a city (walking everywhere) with a bad knee. I'm extremely nervous, so wish me luck!

Anyways, the surgery is at the end of the month which means I have plenty of time to get through this bucket list!

1. Spend a day at the beach with friends- I'm hoping to have a senior cut day soon; this will be the perfect thing to do on my "day off" ;)

2. Sit on the porch and read one book from start to finish- I do this at my beach house all. the. time. I'll have lunch out on the porch and spend the entire afternoon immersed in a good book.

3. Create a dorm room checklist- this is one thing I really need to do! College is only a couple of months away, so I need to get the ball rolling before it's too late.

4. Graduate!!!

5. Finally take my stack of clothes to get tailored- I have a bunch of dresses and pants that need to be altered and I've been putting it off since at least March.

6. Order a new pair of sunglasses- I'm asking for this pair for graduation.

7. Write at least four times a week- I love to write and I've been neglecting it lately because of this reading kick I'm on. I have a thousand notebooks, so I'd love to get some use out of them!

8. Put out three (good) blog posts a week- this is a personal goal of mine because I feel like I'm not putting forward my absolute best content. I really want to make the blog good this month! 

9. Watch the sunset on the beach- this one is simple, but beautiful. I'll definitely be doing this once I get down to the beach for the summer. 

10. Host an outdoor party- I'm already thinking this is going to be my graduation party, but I want to take an active part in making cute decor and desserts. 

Are you doing anything fun this month? 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann

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