Tuesday, May 31, 2016

4 Ways to Pamper Yourself

Like everyone, I love to sit back and relax once in a while. Sometimes, it's the tiniest things that make you feel so much better! When I'm stressed or nervous about anything, these are my go-to relaxation techniques.

1. Hold a hot wash cloth over your face- this is the most simple thing to do, but feels so luxurious. Something about the steam just instantly detoxifies my face and calms my skin down.

2. Make a bowl of popcorn and settle in for a movie- I feel like Olivia Pope because I eat a gigantic bowl of popcorn nearly every night. Maybe it's not the healthiest choice, but it's something that always makes me feel at home. My favorite movie to watch is The Parent Trap!!

3. Fill a bath with lavender and read a good book- I only take baths once in a while, but when I do, it feels amazing. I have natural epsom bath salts from Whole Foods that I love to sprinkle in my tub. This is a special way to decompress when you're traveling. Most hotels have a jar of salts in the bathroom! You'd be surprised how much of a book you can read when you're comfy, warm and relaxed.

4. Do a series of face masks- when I have a couple of hours to kill during a night at home, I do multiple face masks. Meaning, I'll do a super detoxifying charcoal mask, then a brightening peel, then a hydrating mask to get some moisture back into my skin. Sometimes one mask is just not enough! This is a great way to help your skin almost instantly. You can even combine masks on your face all at once- maybe applying a charcoal mask to your T-zone and a brightening mask on your cheeks.

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

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