Thursday, May 12, 2016

May Bucket List


April was a good month because I did a lot of shopping and eating and traveling. I was basically gone every single weekend, though I'm not complaining. I LOVE taking quick weekend trips to visit cities! It's going to be nice to be home the entire month of May. I don't have any plans to travel, but I might have to sneak in one trip to stick to my "travel once a month" resolution. The only three things I couldn't check off my bucket list were outside activities because of this crappy weather we've been having! I can't remember the last time I saw sunlight!! It's just constant rain, clouds and chilly wind. I mean,  I know "April showers bring May flowers" but it's 2 weeks into May and nothing has changed. 

I did find an amazing straw hat that I'm hoping to feature in many outfit posts this summer, along with a prom dress! I got through three books: The Girl On the Train, The Nest, and Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? I found a great spring uniform that I've been wearing non-stop. It's nothing too extreme, but this is what's been getting me through the rainy and cold days: white jeans, a long-sleeved striped tee, Hunter boots and a trench coat. And, finally, the moment we've all been waiting for: I decided on a college! A very exciting first step towards the next phase of my life. I honestly couldn't be happier :) 

1. Have a Harry Potter movie marathon- I normally re-watch the movies every couple of months or so, but I realized I haven't watched Harry Potter since November (a long time for me). 

2. Go for a bike ride- the summer is when I'm at my absolute happiest because my car gets no mileage on it and I simply ride my bike everywhere. Until I move down to the beach for the summer, long rides through the park are going to have to cut it. 

3. Wash and clean my car- this is long overdue! 

4. Bake cupcakes- I've been craving a good batch of vanilla cupcakes with cream cheese frosting lately. This may be the first thing I check off... might make them tomorrow! 

5. Play badminton- I LOVE playing badminton. I completely swing and miss a lot (okay, most) of the time but it's still so fun to play with friends on a sunny day. 

6. Declutter photos- I worked on decluttering my digital life last month, but I did mostly files on my Google Drive and computer which took up a ton of time. I'm going to try and get rid of everything I don't need: useless screenshots, pictures of homework, 87 copies of the same picture, e.t.c. Then I'll import everything onto my laptop so I free up space on the cloud! 

7. Create a tangible workout/food plan, then stick to it- to be honest, 2016 has been the most unhealthy year so far... between getting sick multiple times in a row, struggling with a knee injury and straight up just eating crap, my body is not feeling its best. I saw a couple of fitness posts (this, this, and this) that inspired me to get my butt back in shape before the summer. I have an extremely petite build so it's not weight I'm worried about; I just want to get my body back to feeling the best it can be! 

8. Go to a farmer's market- moving this one up from April to May.

9. Do a run-through of prom makeup and hair- I usually do my own makeup for proms. I'm actually pretty knowledgeable in the makeup department as for what works for me and what doesn't. I feel most comfortable when I'm doing my own smokey eye... why pay someone to do what I could probably do better, ya know? I just replaced a lot of my expired makeup with shiny new products that I can't wait to test out and create an amazing look with! As for hair, my aunt (a hair stylist) graciously offered to do mine so I need to meet with her to determine what look we want to go for.

10. Order a new phone case- this is kind of boring, but my phone case is cracked, dirty, and downright disgusting. I'm in the market for a new one (love this Minnie and Emma palm tree case!). 

Anything on your bucket list?

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

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