Monday, June 20, 2016

Favorite Instagram Accounts

Instagram has always been (and probably will always be) my favorite app. I love sharing (colorful) bits and pieces of my life! I love stumbling upon an unique and interesting account that you normally wouldn't think to follow. Here are some of my favorites, because of their aesthetic, quality, or just something cool they feature!

1. @jennasweeney // she posts fun and beautiful pictures depicting her adventures throughout New England... often with the KJP clan! 

2. @amystone // I think Amy is on everyone's "favorite Instagram accounts" list. Her aesthetic is to die for. With light blues, periwinkles and lavenders, every picture she posts is extremely pleasing to the eye!

3. @daphnemodeandthecity // this is a relatively new account to me. I am so jealous that Daphne gets to live in Paris! Her style is very unique: a mix of classic, preppy and Parisian. Somehow, it all works and she executes every outfit she wears flawlessly. 

4. @carly // I've been following Carly's Instagram (and blog) for the longest time. I think my Instagram feed is most similar to hers out of all these on the list: colorful and bright pictures! Whether it be a shot of her food, her outfit of the day or travel snaps, I'm never bored with her feed. 

5. @seblester // I became obsessed with this account last year. His calligraphy skills are on. point. As a perfectionist, I love seeing his artwork (that's how I see it) come together. The videos are mesmerizing and make you wonder, why can't I write like that?! 

6. @laurenconrad // every picture Lauren posts has a blush pink tint to it. Her life is Pinterest-worthy, and I love following along!

7. @theprepnextdoor // I randomly stumbled on this account through the popular page and quickly followed. She always posts the cutest pictures! I love her travel snaps. 

8. @saipancakes // I found out about this account through Buzzfeed and now religiously check it everyday. This super cool Dad has a hidden talent for creating amazing pancakes... they are seriously works of art! He did a bunch of awesome Harry Potter characters, but does so many other people/things for his children. Not going to lie, I tried to make my own pancakes like this and failed miserably. 

Thanks for reading!

-Ashley Ann 

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