Thursday, June 23, 2016

Summer Reading List

I am so excited to write this post, because it means I have to be held accountable for reading all these books! I find that I get my most reading done during the summer. There are so many great books out right now, and I can't wait to dive into some of them. I tried to hit a lot of genres here, so hopefully by the end of summer I'll have read books all across the board. Here is what's on my list this summer:

25. The Madwoman Upstairs by Catherine Lowell

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Summer Bucket List

I am so excited to share my summer bucket list! Summer is my absolute favorite season. I love being outdoors and going to the beach, not to mention all the amazing food. Here are the fun activities I want to do this summer: 

1. See fireworks 
2. Eat fresh strawberries 
3. Make a batch of lemonade
4. Host a BBQ
5. Roast marshmallows 
6. Stargaze 
7. Play mini golf 
8. Go sailing 
9. Watch the sunset 
10. Collect seashells 
11. Brunch al fresco 
12. Read 25 books 
13. Watch a movie outside 
14. Have a picnic 
15. Go a week with no makeup 
16. Sleep by the pool 
17. Bake festive 4th of July treats 
18. Go river tubing 
19. See a horse race 
20. Visit a street fair in NYC

21. Take lots of pictures 

Thanks for reading!

-Ashley Ann

Monday, June 20, 2016

Favorite Instagram Accounts

Instagram has always been (and probably will always be) my favorite app. I love sharing (colorful) bits and pieces of my life! I love stumbling upon an unique and interesting account that you normally wouldn't think to follow. Here are some of my favorites, because of their aesthetic, quality, or just something cool they feature!

1. @jennasweeney // she posts fun and beautiful pictures depicting her adventures throughout New England... often with the KJP clan! 

2. @amystone // I think Amy is on everyone's "favorite Instagram accounts" list. Her aesthetic is to die for. With light blues, periwinkles and lavenders, every picture she posts is extremely pleasing to the eye!

3. @daphnemodeandthecity // this is a relatively new account to me. I am so jealous that Daphne gets to live in Paris! Her style is very unique: a mix of classic, preppy and Parisian. Somehow, it all works and she executes every outfit she wears flawlessly. 

4. @carly // I've been following Carly's Instagram (and blog) for the longest time. I think my Instagram feed is most similar to hers out of all these on the list: colorful and bright pictures! Whether it be a shot of her food, her outfit of the day or travel snaps, I'm never bored with her feed. 

5. @seblester // I became obsessed with this account last year. His calligraphy skills are on. point. As a perfectionist, I love seeing his artwork (that's how I see it) come together. The videos are mesmerizing and make you wonder, why can't I write like that?! 

6. @laurenconrad // every picture Lauren posts has a blush pink tint to it. Her life is Pinterest-worthy, and I love following along!

7. @theprepnextdoor // I randomly stumbled on this account through the popular page and quickly followed. She always posts the cutest pictures! I love her travel snaps. 

8. @saipancakes // I found out about this account through Buzzfeed and now religiously check it everyday. This super cool Dad has a hidden talent for creating amazing pancakes... they are seriously works of art! He did a bunch of awesome Harry Potter characters, but does so many other people/things for his children. Not going to lie, I tried to make my own pancakes like this and failed miserably. 

Thanks for reading!

-Ashley Ann 

Friday, June 17, 2016

5 Things I Learned My Senior Year of Highschool

I learned more about myself this year, than any other year of my life. There's been a lot of changes, a lot of exciting events, and a lot of emotions. I wanted to touch on a few things I picked up along the way, now that I graduated today!

 I love this picture of my best friend and I.

1. It's the people, not the place- I've said it many times before, but I have amazing friends that I've connected with on a deeper level this year. Having great friends makes you feel good about yourself and the world around you. This was one of the happiest years of my life, simply due to the fact that I have incredible people in my life, constantly supporting and lifting me up. I learned what it means to truly be a friend to someone: dropping everything to help them, always being happy for them even if you're not happy yourself, supporting others in their endeavors, being a listener. 

2. It all works out in the end- I'm sure you could hear the despair in my voice as I wrote blog posts during the fall and winter. When I was applying to college, it was probably the worst I ever felt about myself. Those months were terrible for me and I felt like I was never going to see the end. Graduation seemed like a finish line I was never going to reach, and now I'm actually here. I can't quite believe it. I remember getting rejected from my dream school and thinking that I would never be happy again. Now, I am attending my dream school and I couldn't be happier. Things have a funny way of working out in due course, and I wish I had known that earlier. I am at such a high point in my life and I don't ever want to go back to the place that I was in only a few months ago. Things will get better, and it may take some time, but you'll be so overjoyed when they do! 

3.  Focus on what's important to you- This year I really went the extra mile to contribute to things I was passionate about. By honing in my attention to things I truly loved, I was able to learn a lot about myself, my talents, and what I was capable of. Doing what you love shows who you truly are!

4. Saying goodbye is hard- I've shed a lot of tears the past few months as I've had a lot of "lasts": last concerts, last lunches, last days of school, last class, last school events, last spirit week. All of the activities and people that have made high school amazing are all leaving me. I'm in the process of writing letters to people that have impacted my life in a major way as I've grown up. It's hard to realize that I'll soon be going off on my own and leaving behind my safe routine and life, without the people who have been there everyday by my side. I just have to accept that time goes on and I can't stop by life from changing. 

5. Be excited for the future- While I've been sad about what I'm leaving behind, it's getting me more excited for what lies ahead. I don't know what direction life will take me, or who it will be with, but I can't wait. I am so ready to start the rest of my life! College is supposedly some of the best years you will ever get, and I am beyond thrilled to become immersed in this extraordinary time. I can let myself be excited and exhilarated for a second: I just finished up twelve years of education (a huge accomplishment) and now I'm going off to study what I love. I feel so lucky and eager to see what lies ahead. 

-Ashley Ann 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Staple Summer Accessories

Accessories make an outfit. That's why today I'm coming on here to write about my absolute favorite accessories that I wear with nearly every outfit in the summer! Without further ado, here are my must-have, "wear-all-summer" accessories: 

Chic Sunhat // A good boater hat can make every outfit look classic and preppy. 

Straw Clutch // Straw clutches will never go out of style in the summer. This one has a pretty turquoise stone for an extra pop of color. 

Leather Crossbody // Simple, goes with everything. Kind of the theme here!

Classic Sunnies // My favorite sunglasses that protect your eyes, while also making you look chic. Classic wayfarers go with any type of look you're going for. 

Espadrilles // Whether they be wedges or flats, espadrilles make your outfits look effortless and beachy,  

Jack Rogers // Will a day ever go by that I don't, at some point, throw on a pair of Jacks? No. These are my favorite sandals!! I cannot say enough good things about them. With so many different colors to choose from, you'll definitely find a pair that suits your style. Make sure to break them in though (it takes about a week). 

Pearl Earrings // Classy and instantly dresses up an outfit. 

Statement Scarf // I love a good scarf thrown over a dress at night. This beautiful striped one subtly catches the eye and amps up whatever you're wearing. 

Cute Board Shorts // Whether you live at the beach like me, or are just visiting for the day, a cute coverup is a necessity! 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


I had the BEST time at my senior prom. Aside from Disney, it was my favorite event this year! I went with one of my best guy friends, so it made the whole night even greater. 


 I wore this gorgeous periwinkle dress that wasn't too flashy, but had a little bit of sparkle. The silver band that wraps around under your chest is the perfect accent. The rest of the dress was pretty simple, but I think that elegant goes a long way at these types of events. Surprisingly, it was only $114!

My aunt ended up driving to my house from New York to do my hair for me, and I loved how it turned out. To figure out my hair, I sent a bunch of pictures to her straight from my Pinterest board, ha. We played around and combined a couple of different hairstyles until we decided on the right one! I love the little braids and twists throughout the back of my head that all end up wrapping into a low, messy chignon. We also stuck the bun a little off to the side so that I didn't look completely bald in pictures! 

I fell in love with these shoes the moment I saw them. They're a wayyy less expensive version of these ones! I also talked about how I got them for free in last week's Weekly Roundups

My clutch was very simple and very me. I used my favorite Vineyard Vines straw clutch- not your typical prom bag, but I think it worked with the gown. 

The jewelry was lent to me by my Mom. I got to wear some of her vintage pieces, which I loved. 

I ended up doing my own makeup, like last year. I actually loved how it turned out! I did a pretty intense smokey eye with a bronzed face and a neutral lip. 

I also wanted to quickly touch on my nails. I did a navy polish on my fingers and toes and I loved how the darker shade of blue paired with the periwinkle color of my dress. I did acrylic tips for the first time and I can say now that even a week after getting them done, they still look perfect. They're supposed to last 2 weeks without any refills, so we'll see how it goes! It did hurt getting them done- there's a part where you have to meld the plastic tips to your nails by painting layers of gel polish onto your nail and then sticking your fingers one by one under a UV light. That part hurt. It feels like your fingers are burning for about 15 seconds, and then the pain goes away. So just a warning if you've never gotten them done, it's going to hurt a little bit. 

Wearing: Gown // Shoes // Clutch 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Outfits of the Week

I decided last week that I wanted to do something a little different from my usual outfit posts. This week, for 4 days I took a picture of what I was wearing every morning and now I'm sharing them here! I didn't do Friday because that was the day of my prom so I wore my dress... not your typically outfit of the day. 

Look #1: 

Look #2: 

Look #3: 

Ruffled Button Down // Navy Sweater // Scallop Skirt (last year's Lilly; no longer available but another scalloped skirt I love) // Longchamp Purse //  Flamingo Flats (also old Brooks Brothers)

Look #4: 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Travel Talk: Comprehensive Travel Tips

I've always loved traveling. Specifically, flying on planes. Most people hate going to the airport, going through security, waiting on lines, e.t.c. While that stuff can be a little irritating, I LOVE the airport. There's something exciting about heading off to a new destination that makes me happy every time. Don't even get me started on planes! I could sit on a plane for hours. I'm at my most productive when I'm in the air, with no interruptions and I have dedicated time to work.

I thought it was time to put together a comprehensive post with a whole bunch of random travel tips. Basically, stuff that makes my life a whole lot easier!


I do a lot of weekend trips, so a cute weekender bag is always necessary! I love this one from Tuckernuck. The canvas is pretty durable and the bag fits a TON inside. Seriously, when I went to the Bahamas I had four day and night outfits fit in there with room to spare. Also, the monogram is nice because it makes your bag easily identifiable.

A general rule of thumb when it comes to traveling for me: if I can, I always try to do a carry on suitcase. I've had the same suitcase for years and loved it, but I'm thinking of upgrading to something a little more chic like this. I get super nervous about the airline losing my bag, so bringing a carry-on suitcase makes me feel more comfortable.

Trying to stuff a whole bunch of stuff into your suitcase can be daunting. To fit everything, I:


  • pack by outfits (everything is stacked so that I can grab a whole outfit & be good to go)
  • line the perimeter of your suitcase with all your shoes 
  • stick jewelry or other small items into mini pouches- I have about 10 of these that I use specifically for traveling.
  • pack neutrals & things that can be mixed and matched- this cuts down on the amount of clothes you'll be bringing. Try to stick to one color scheme; I normally gravitate towards navy and white! 
  • roll what you can: tee shirts, sweatpants, leggings, sweaters... e.t.c. 
  • use tissue paper to separate delicates & stuff you don't want to wrinkle (fold these things instead of rolling) 

Here's what I would pack in a typical toilettries bag:

Cleanser // Moisturizing Cleanser // Day & Night Cream (my skin gets really dry on planes, this stuff instantly hydrates my face) // Makeup Remover Wipes (easier to pack than liquids & they're TSA-friendly) //  Specialized "Problem" Moisturizer // Toothbrush // Toothpaste // Deoderant // Vaseline Lip Therapy (I take these everywhere with me) // Drying Lotion // Face Mask // Face Oil

P.S. all of the products I mentioned above can be purchased in travel sizes! 

This is the bag I use as my carry-on (I'll be doing a more in-depth post sometime in future):

Airport Hacks:

What you'll need- identification, boarding pass, comfortable shoes that can be quickly taken off, snacks, blanket scarf

  • I usually fly Delta, so I downloaded the app onto my phone that lets you bring your boarding pass right up on the screen! So much more convenient & safer than losing a paper copy. 
  • Most airlines give you a complimentary beverage & snack on the plane- stock up on those especially if you have a connecting flight; you might get hungry later
  • Stay calm & collected- everyone is trying to get places, and there's no point in being rude or complaining. The TSA workers are doing their best to get you through security quickly, so appreciate that! 
  • Use a blanket scarf as an accessory while going through the airport, and as a blanket on the plane.
  • I like to arrive at least two hours early- I can't tell you how many times something has gone wrong and we made it just on time. Giving yourself that extra time cushion makes you less frazzled and keeps the anxiety at bay. 
  • Wear slip on shoes & ankle socks so you won't have to walk on the dirty floor barefoot during security checks. 

Keeping your skin hydrated is the most important thing! My skin is already dry, and the cabin air doesn't do me any favors. This is my favorite cream to use at night when I get to the hotel after a long day of flying. Yes, it is for babies but since it contains oatmeal, your face will be extremely hydrated. This is the only thing that works on my skin when it's acting up- since the product is formulated for sensitive skin, it really helps get rid of dry patches. 

The day of my flight I... 

1. Wash my face with the Fresh soy face cleanser
2. Moisturize with Origins Night A Mins (I use night cream in the morning to ensure my face will stay hydrated) 
3. Apply Kiehl's Daily Reviving Concentrate all over my face to calm my skin and keep moisture locked in. 
3. Apply Vaseline to my lips & any dry areas 

That night I... 

1. Wash my face with Ponds Cold Cream Cleanser (also works as makeup remover).
2. Do a stripping charcoal mask to extract any dirt or airport grime from my skin.
3. Moisturize with Eucerin baby skin
4. I use a dermatologist-prescribed treatment for my eye cream, but any hydrating formula will do.

All of these tips are tried and true for me, so I hope they help you! 

Thanks for reading!

-Ashley Ann 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Advice to My Freshman Self

I graduate in ten days... 10!!! I am so ready to graduate and move on to college, but it's also a little sad at the same time. I've had the same friends nearly my entire life and it's going to be hard saying goodbye to them. I was lucky to have had a pretty good high school experience. It wasn't awful like some movies portray it as, but it also wasn't the best time ever (except maybe the second half of senior year). College is definitely going to be amazing! I do have some words of wisdom to give to any incoming freshman or current underclassmen, though. I know what I'm talking about, because I've been through it all! If I could tell my freshman self some things, these would be it:

Do the homework. 

I can honestly say that my overall grade has been saved multiple times because of my homework grades. Most, if not all teachers give you credit simply for doing the homework. They don't care if it's right or wrong, they just like to see effort. Doing some math problems each night or filling out a history worksheet does not take very long and those types of things are easy points. You'll be grateful you did the assignments when you're one point away from an A and you get bumped!

Your friends are going to change. 

I have had the same people in my grade since kindergarten. When I entered high school, I assumed that I would stay friends with all the same people because there was nobody "new." I was so wrong! When I got involved in a bunch of activities, I met upperclassmen. This completely shaped my high school experience into what it was. I had a lot of friends that were older than me- it was great for genuine advice on how to navigate high school, rides when they got their license (!), and a change of scenery from my normal friend group. My friend group now is not what it was freshman year! I spoke about this in an earlier post, but I only just found my "group" this year. I've really connected with certain people that I've never spoken to before this year. It's funny to see how we all kind of came together from different friend groups. I have gotten insanely close to my friends and have met some of my best friends this year. As a freshman, I would have never guessed that the classmates I occasionally said hi to would end up becoming my closest confidants.

Build up your GPA freshman and sophomore year. 

I took relatively easy classes freshman and sophomore year, with only a few honors classes. These two years are when you should be consistently doing the work, studying for your tests on time and generally staying on top of things. If you have good grades, your GPA is going to be harder to bring down once you start taking those APs and the workload ends up being more difficult. As we all know, I got mono my junior year and my grades suffered immensely. However, my GPA was barely affected seeing that I got straight A's the first two years of high school! The bottom line is: classes get really hard later on in high school, so save the bad grades for those times, not freshman year when you can easily get A's!

Get involved.

This is such a cliche and I'm sure every high school advice post will mention this! I met so many people through the different activities I participated in. I also think joining different organizations all across the board allows you to make friends from all sorts of backgrounds. Here are a few things I did in high school: student council, golf, music, church, debate... I loved how I had friends from completely different friend groups. I knew I could always find a friend no matter where I was, and that was really comforting. Not to mention, these things look good when you start applying to colleges. 

Time management is everything. 

I lived off of Lilly Pulitzer planners for all 4 years of high school (it's also kind of like a little diary to look back on and see everything you accomplished!). Writing down things as they come up is really, really important. I used to just think that I would remember everything and write it down when I got home. But we're all humans, and we all forget things. Use your planner and figure out how much time you have to study for a test. Do homework assignments from hardest to easiest. PRIORITIZE. 

Have a couple of close guy friends.

This might sound like weird advice, but it's one of the best things I did in high school. I LOVE having guy friends. It is so nice sometimes to get away from all the girl drama and just hang out with people who don't care about your hair, or what this person said to that person yesterday. I have become extremely close with my guy friends and 3 or 4 of them are my best friends. Guys see things differently and are always down for an adventure. I also like going to them for advice about other guys! A friend relationship with a guy is so much different than one with a girl. I love both types of friendships equally, but I think they're both really different and that every person needs both types of relationships to have a healthy balance. 

Hopefully this will help out any freshman. I loved writing this and reflecting on things that really shaped my experience in high school/what got me through it all. 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann