Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mean Your "How Are You's"

Short little post today... just some thoughts I had.

I was taking a test, and we received an essay prompt that really got me thinking. It asked us how saying "how are you?" or "let's talk soon" to someone serves a function in society. The question was a little weird, but I automatically thought "oh that's simple, it's the polite thing to do and it's what you're  supposed to say when you greet someone or say goodbye."

 As I wrote the essay, I realized we say "how are you?" or "hello" so often in our daily lives. I probably say it 20 times a day! But, most of the time I say it just to say it. It's a rite of passage in a typical conversation. I know most of the time, I am not deeply concerned with how someone is actually doing, I just say it to be polite. This bad habit has taken over our lives.

No one is genuinely interested in each other anymore-we get through those "how are you's" rather quickly to bypass any further stalling before we get right to our main point. I think everyone (including myself) needs to learn to truly mean it when we say "how are you?" Be actually engaged in what the other party says, and encourage them to elaborate when they say "ok..." Listening is sometimes the best medicine. The person you're talking to will appreciate the follow up and appreciate the fact that you want to listen. I think if we can all try to make this small change in our day-to-day conversations, that would be amazing. My new goal is to actively listen and inquire about how a person is actually doing. Who's with me? 

Are you going to try this simple change in your life? 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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