Thursday, May 14, 2015

Appreciate Every Day.

I had a different post lined up for today, but due to recent events I wanted to publish the thoughts that have been swarming around in my mind since yesterday. Two nights ago, a train heading from Washington DC to Philadelphia careened off the tracks while going around a bend, killing 7 people and critically injuring a number of people. One of those people who died was a man that lived in my town, and whose son I went to school with. After reading the story, I found myself shaking. I could not even imagine being one of those poor people who lost a family member or friend. I wondered why terrible things happen to good people.This whole situation, especially since it affected someone in my school, completely changed my perspective. Here I was, stressing about anything and everything, when someone had just lost the most important person in their life. It really made my "problems" seem trivial. After seeing this quote on Pinterest I got a few ideas in my head. 

Love Your Life

1. Be grateful for everything, everyday. You never know when it might be gone. Appreciate the little things in life, and find something to be thankful for at the end of everyday. It could be taken away instantly. We need to be more appreciative of the world around us!! 

2. It may sound cheesy, but live every moment to the fullest. Having no regrets will ensure the most satisfaction in life, which once again could be taken away in a second. Allow yourself to embrace every opportunity and soak in the reality of that moment.

3. Spend time with the ones you love, and let them know how much you appreciate them. I know there's mornings I run out the door without saying goodbye to my mom or sister-what if something happened to me or them? I don't even want to think about that! Taking the extra 3 seconds to kiss/hug someone goodbye makes all the difference.

4. Do the things you love. Pretty self explanatory. 

5. Never take anything for granted. Everyday, my dad goes up in the air and I take it for granted that he'll make it safely back down every night. That's a blessing in its self, and I realize that now. 

his terrible tragedy, although deeply saddening, has increased my appreciation for my family, and urged me to really appreciate every moment of my life- the good and the bad. 
My heart goes out to all of the families affected by this disaster. Please keep them in your thoughts. 


-Ashley Ann 

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