Monday, April 25, 2016

Weekly Round Ups

This week was nice because I got to go to the city for the weekend, and the Monday-Thursday was pretty low key in terms of school work. I went out to dinner/lunch a couple of times with friends and watched a new scary movie that was just released on Netflix- Hush. It was pretty scary, haha. So many great links this week! 

On the blog this week: a new look featuring the cutest striped shirt, 7 book recommendations, 48 hours in D.C. 

A blog I'm loving: TheCollegePrepster has been posting so many cute outfits lately! Her gingham shorts are adorable and I may or may not be ordering this hat ASAP. 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

48 Hours In D.C.

Thursday afternoon, my family and I headed down to Washington D.C. for a quick college visit & mini vacation. Just what I needed to end the slew of traveling I've been doing lately! I was on a plane for 3 weeks straight this month, so it was kind of nice to take the 3 and a half hour drive up to D.C. I've said it before, but I love taking short weekend trips to cities and cute little towns. There's really not a lot of pressure to do anything too extreme. 

I didn’t take too many pictures on this trip. My phone was away most of the time that we were there, which was nice because I got to unwind a lot! 

Thursday night we had dinner at Cafe Milano on Prospect Street in Georgetown. I ordered this amazing smoked buffalo mozzarella appetizer and got a delicious lemon chicken off the specials menu. When my Dad and I went to D.C. last year, my mom and sister didn't come. We really liked the restaurants we went to the first time, so we wanted to take them to places we knew were very good. Next time I come down, I plan on trying some new spots! 

Our hotel: Ritz Carlton Georgetown. Every time we stay in D.C., we love coming to the Georgetown location of the Ritz Carlton. The hotels are so luxurious and the staff does everything possible to make you feel at home! We love the Georgetown spot because the building actually used to be the garbage incinerator of the city (kind of weird & gross, but you wouldn't know it today). The hotel has a very industrial & modern feel- bricks everywhere and elements of fire added in throughout parts of the building. Below was the hallway leading to the elevator- so cool! 

They also do something really unique every night: homemade s'mores in the lobby! 

Friday, I was touring a college so I didn't have much time to explore the rest of the city. We did stop in for a little bite to eat at Tonic at Quigley's. The outdoor garden seating in the back was adorable, with a great bar & fairy lights strung across the walls. We also couldn’t stop taking pictures of all the beautiful tulips!! Every corner you turned around, there were gardens to be had with really tall and colorful flowers. It was fitting that it was Earth Day! 

We ate once again, at Bourbon Steak, a fabulous steakhouse inside the Four Seasons Georgetown Hotel. I always get the 8 oz. filet mignon, and it’s seriously amazing! They also bring out little complimentary french fry samplers before your meal, which is something really unique to this restaurant. Here's what I wore to dinner: 

After dinner, the Vineyard Vines store was still open, so of course I had to stop in and pick up a few things. I bought this straw clutch, this scarf, this top and this white skirt

Emily and I snapped this picture after we left the store, haha. 

We slept in the next day and headed home! It was a fun weekend with good food, shopping and memories out on the town. 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Striped Ruffles

I think I found a new obsession- ruffles. I never really realized all the different ways you can incorporate them into everyday outfits, until JCrew started releasing a whole bunch of ruffled things this year: this blouse, this dress, this off the shoulder top.. e.t.c. I think ruffles instantly upgrade an outfit, even if it's just a plain striped shirt. The details make the outfit! 

I knew this shirt was coming home with me the second I saw it. How cute is it?! It's in my favorite pattern (stripes) and is so flattering. The shirt is a bit short, but not quite a crop top obviously. It fits pretty true to size. I'm wearing an XXS (what I normally wear in JCrew) and it fits just right. They do run a tiny bit big though, so I would size down if you're not sure. 

I wear these white scallop shorts from Lilly all the time during the summer. The white goes with any top I have, and the scallops are so. cute. 

These Soludos espadrilles are adorable! I love how you can customize how tight/loose you want the ribbon around the ankles. I criss cross it twice up my ankle and then tie it in a bow in the front. The shoes are really comfortable too- they are 4 inches tall, but don't feel like it at all. 

Photos by: Brad Funaki 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

P.S. This was my 100th post! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

7 Book to Read This Spring

I often post about books on here, because reading is something I really enjoy. Although I do try to read a lot, no one is forcing me to keep up with a schedule or read a certain amount. I can just go as I please, whether that be whipping through a book in one day, or taking weeks to read it. I've read some great ones lately! Spring is the best time to freshen up your bookshelf- here are my recommendations for what you should read this spring:

For the spring breaker: 

The Vacationers- a short, feel good book that makes you wish you were summering on the coast of Spain. 

For the mystery lover:  

The Girl On The Train- an eery "who dunnit" novel reminisicent of Agatha Christie set in modern day England. 

For the history buff: 

All The Light We Cannot See- beautiful, poignant, and tragic. Not your typical World War Two book.

For the romantic: 

Who Do You Love- an amazing love story that spans throughout an entire lifetime!

For the feminist:

Americanah- I just finished this yesterday, and had to add it to the list. I found myself saying often "yes! exactly!"

For the drama queen:

Big Little Lies- what happens at the schoolyard... travels around town rather quickly in this chilling novel. (one of my all time favorites; will never stop recommending).

For the wine lover:

Eight Hundred Grapes- I'm no wine drinker, but I really enjoyed this book! It's funny, sad and everything in between. 

These are all great books! 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Weekly Round Ups

Phew! We made it to the end of the week. I started off the week by flying back into NJ at 1 am from Miami. I'm ending the week by flying back into NJ from South Carolina (p.s. that picture is of the pool from USC- amazing!)... The college visits every single weekend are taking up so much time! However, I love that I'm getting to see new cities and traveling to places that I've never been! I do wish I had more time to spend on each area- Miami was so cool and I want go back one day to explore all the cool restaurants and nightlife. One of my goals for the year was to travel every single month. So far, I've held true to that. January was New York City (it wasn't really travel, but it's a different state so I'm counting it), February was The Bahamas, March was Disney, and this month is Miami, South Carolina and Washington D.C. next week (so so excited about that!). 

In between all the traveling, I did find time to round up some links: 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Cute Sunglasses

If there's one thing I can't get enough of, it's sunglasses. I love a good pair of tortoise frames or cool aviators! Of course, I love my trusty Ray Bans but I also have a bunch of statement pairs that I love to accessorize an outfit with. The retailers are really pulling through this year with the adorable sunglasses! Here are some of my favorites I've seen so far:

From left to right: One // Two // Three // Four // Five // Six // Seven // Eight // Nine (20% off right now)

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

Friday, April 15, 2016

Transitioning From Winter to Spring

Every year, I have a hard time choosing outfits during the months of March and April. Those two months are the awkward, in-between months. It's not cold anymore, but it's not exactly sundress weather either! I think I've found a good outfit here in regards to how versatile it is for the spring. 

The key to taking clothes from winter to spring, is pairing winter layers with spring/summer colors. I absolutely adore the Lilly Pulitzer Elsa tops. They fit beautifully on any body type because of the defined shoulders and cinched in wrists. This one that I'm wearing is in one of my new favorite patterns, "Oh Shello." The bright neon colors aren't your typical Lilly pattern, but I love them! These blouses are light and breezy, yet also surprisingly warm because of the long sleeves. I paired a long sleeve (yet summery) blouse with long jeans (again, in a summery white). See how I'm able to make this look fun and bright, while still keeping myself warm? Throwing a trench coat on overtop of this look would also look nice if it was drizzling or just a little bit chillier out. 

The flats I'm wearing from ASOS are sadly no longer available, but I found some similar shoes here, here and here

Can we just talk about my Ray Bans for a second? I purchased them last year and ended up wearing them too many times to count! They are the perfect shape for my face. I have a petite frame and always stayed away from the classic wayfarers because they overpowered the rest of my face and looked huge on me! When they released these extra small frames, I immediately knew I wanted to pick up a pair. The sunglasses are honestly so flattering, and I find myself reaching for them constantly. I can always rely on these ones to go with any outfit that I have on! 

Photos by: Brad Funaki

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Wide Leg Pants

One trend this season that I can't seem to stop thinking about, is wide leg pants and culottes. They instantly make any outfit look ten times chicer- even you're just wearing a tee shirt. I love them with crisp white sneakers or heels! I wanted to try out the trend and decided to pick up an affordable pair at Old Navy. I wasn't sure if I was going to like them, but I ended up falling in love. 

The pants are more of a trouser than culottes, I would say. I wanted to start off with something a little more like a regular pair of slacks. The ankle part is wide, but not enough where it's overly dramatic. Also, I love the length. They end right above my ankle bone, where as most culottes end in the middle of your leg. Of course, I got the pair in a classic navy color. They're pretty true to size, but I would size down if you're not sure. They are a little loose around my waist and thighs. 

Can we talk about this long sleeve tee for a second? I saw it on JCrew's website (they have amazing stuff for spring!) and ordered it right away! I love the fun red, white and blue take on a classic striped shirt. It's really soft and thin, but also not see-through. 

My new mules I just picked up from JCrew Factory are surprisingly very comfortable. When we took these photos, I was walking and standing around for a good hour and my feet didn't hurt (they were of course, freezing cold because it was 30-something degrees out...). I also saw a pair from Old Navy that I wish I had bought before these ones. They literally look the exact same and they're about $20 cheaper! 

Thanks for reading!

-Ashley Ann 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Dealing With Rejection

As college decisions have started rolling in, my life has gotten a lot more complicated and stressful. The past couple of weeks have been an emotion roller coaster for me! I think this time of year is hard for any high school senior. Most of us don't know where we're going to school yet and most of us are dealing with some form of rejection (unless you're one of those extremely lucky people who got into their dream school). It's hard to know how to handle all of this. And the truth is, I haven't been handling it all too well. I received no less than 8 rejections in the past week, which was a huge blow to my self esteem. To be fair, I did apply to over 20 colleges, so I really didn't expect to get into every one that I applied to. ** But still, being told over and over again that "you are not good enough" really takes a toll on your mental health. There have been a lot tears, breakdowns, and angry outbursts to say the least. I knew I was qualified for a lot of the schools, so why was I still getting rejected? 

My high school is a very competitive environment. Every other person you see in the hallway is "gifted" in some way. People in my grade tend to overshare: grades, colleges applied to, SAT scores and resumes are favorite topics of conversation. To be quite honest, I've been feeling so dejected. I  am constantly comparing myself to everyone else. There are so many people getting into their dream schools and Ivy Leagues (which is amazing! I'm so happy for them!), and I'm just not. I'm realizing that although it is frustrating, you can never know who is going to get into a certain school.

In all honestly, college admissions is like the lottery. Everyone is qualified, but only a few people get picked. I really did not believe this until I started experiencing it for myself. I saw kids with perfect SAT scores and amazing extracurricular activities getting turned down in favor of other students who had mediocre grades. Each college is trying to meet a quota: race, gender, athletics... e.t.c. When you take alllll of those into consideration, it's easy to understand the large number of qualified people who get rejected.

The embarrassment and sadness that comes with rejection is not fun. I stayed in bed the entire day when I found out my dream school rejected me (won't say the name here, but you may be able to find it in a previous blog post). It's okay to let yourself be sad, or angry. Cry about it for one day (maybe two if you’re like me), but then MOVE. ON. It is most definitely a cliche, but everything happens for a reason! (At least, this is what I'm telling myself to stay sane). Staying bitter over something beyond your control is pointless. I'm starting to channel that anger in a direction that will fuel my success in college. I fully plan on making the most of my time in college so that I can enter the workforce with experience, knowledge and determination. I still have options (9 great options!).  Repeat, what college or university you attend does not determine your self worth. 

I have dealt with these rejections in many ways, but here are the methods that have worked best for me:

1. Cry it out, but only for a little while. Give yourself 24 hours to throw a pity party, cry and scream into your pillow. But the next day, try getting out of bed and taking on the day. I found that sticking to my routine was essential. If I was busy enough, I wasn’t thinking about it, and that was good enough for me. 

2. Turn to friends for support. I cannot thank my friends enough for constantly supporting and lifting me up. Whether it be meeting up for lunch, shooting me a motivating text, or getting a massage with me, my friends are the ones who have made this whole mess manageable. And the best part is, they're all going through the same thing. Something about misery loves company? 

3. Do things that make you happy. This one seems simple enough, but cheering yourself up with the little things that bring you joy makes all the difference. I’ve been reading a lot more, cuddling with Max and eating lots of ice cream. The best ice cream shop in the world is convieniently on my street. It is definitely a blessing and a curse. 

4. Work harder even harder. Just because I didn't get into an Ivy doesn't mean I can't work like I'm in one. I can't wait to begin taking classes and learning about stuff that I'm actually interested in! Nearly every adult that I've talked to about college has said this: going to a big-name university does not translate to career and financial success. What matters, is the amount of hard work and effort you put into your college studies. Essentially, what you make of your time there is what you get! 

5. Learn and improve. Even though it sucks right now, I'm learning from this experience. This is certainly not the last time I will be rejected in my life! Looking at the situation and seeing how it was handled can better prepare you for the next time something big doesn't go your way. 

6. Let it go. No, not the frozen song. Realize that sometimes you just can't control it. Nobody has any idea of what goes on inside an admissions committee room. It really is luck- a combination of who is reading your application, what spots they need to fill and actual qualifications. Realizing and remembering this makes it a little easier to accept. I've gotten to a point where I'm just over it. I need to be excited for the places that I have gotten into! 

I guess the purpose of writing this post was to make myself feel better, which it did. I started writing this about two weeks ago in the midst of everything when my mind was just spinning in every different direction. I'm now past that point and I feel one thousand times better about all of it. I've accepted and moved on; it feels amazing. Rejection is a part of life, and embracing those hardships is what life is all about right? (At least, I hope...)

Thanks for reading!

-Ashley Ann 

**i would not recommend applying to this many schools!! I found myself growing attached to schools I didn't even want to go to, and that made the rejections harder.