Wednesday, April 20, 2016

7 Book to Read This Spring

I often post about books on here, because reading is something I really enjoy. Although I do try to read a lot, no one is forcing me to keep up with a schedule or read a certain amount. I can just go as I please, whether that be whipping through a book in one day, or taking weeks to read it. I've read some great ones lately! Spring is the best time to freshen up your bookshelf- here are my recommendations for what you should read this spring:

For the spring breaker: 

The Vacationers- a short, feel good book that makes you wish you were summering on the coast of Spain. 

For the mystery lover:  

The Girl On The Train- an eery "who dunnit" novel reminisicent of Agatha Christie set in modern day England. 

For the history buff: 

All The Light We Cannot See- beautiful, poignant, and tragic. Not your typical World War Two book.

For the romantic: 

Who Do You Love- an amazing love story that spans throughout an entire lifetime!

For the feminist:

Americanah- I just finished this yesterday, and had to add it to the list. I found myself saying often "yes! exactly!"

For the drama queen:

Big Little Lies- what happens at the schoolyard... travels around town rather quickly in this chilling novel. (one of my all time favorites; will never stop recommending).

For the wine lover:

Eight Hundred Grapes- I'm no wine drinker, but I really enjoyed this book! It's funny, sad and everything in between. 

These are all great books! 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

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