Sunday, September 13, 2015

Weekly Round-Ups

Let's just say that this week was not my week. Sprained my left knee and tore ligaments in both knees at the beginning of the week, and was put on crutches. Then, as per usual of the first week of school, I caught a nasty cold and found myself with a 102 degree fever... On the first football game of the season... The night before I was supposed to take the ACT's. It totally was the way I envisioned my week going! 

But like everything, the show must go on. I skipped the football game, went to bed early Friday night, took 2 Advil the next morning, and went to take the ACT! It was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, taking a 4+ hour test with a fever. But the most important part is, I got through it. I rewarded myself after by taking a LONG 6 hour nap and watching Friends. 

More positively, my birthday is this week! I look forward to Thursday (the 17th!). Let's get on to a much needed weekly round-up:

2. A combination I've been wearing a ton recently: this 3/4 sleeve tee and these scallop shorts.

Anything interesting you saw this week?!

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann

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