Thursday, September 17, 2015


Turning 17 is so exciting to me for three reasons: it means I'm one step closer to college, I get my license, and I become a little bit more independent. When reflecting on what to write for my birthday, I was thinking about how I've actually been on this earth for seventeen years. Now, I know I'm still extremely young, but seventeen years is still a long time! I really feel like I'm starting to figure out exactly who I am, and what direction I want my life to go in. 

Throughout middle school and even into high school, I was not confident at all. As a young child though, I thought the world was at my finger tips. I let my mom dress me in my Lilly, stick me in cute little button downs, and pop vests on me in the fall (which is pretty much my style now, haha). But hitting middle school and being integrated into a different type of social culture made me want to get away from my true style and try to be someone I was not. (Please, burn the pictures of me in neon orange skinny jeans...) I wore uggs, oversized sweatshirts, and way too much neon for my liking. After entering  high school and attempting to mimic the "hipster" style everyone else was sporting, I made the decision to go back to my roots. That is, my style roots! 

I started wearing clothes I ACTUALLY felt comfortable in, not what I thought would help me fit in with others. And just like that, I found myself again. Sounds cheesy, but true! At the end of freshman year, I was gaining more confidence just by the things I was wearing. Sticking to classic, timeless pieces helped me stand out in a better way: by my personality. Without those overwhelming clothes, I was finally able to form friendships with people and figure out who I wanted to be known as. 

Flash forward a couple years, and we get here to 17. I have to say, right now I'm the most confident and happy I've ever been. Yes, it's a stressful year for me. Yes, last year was hard school/health wise. But I've gotten through everything with way more confidence and assurance than ever. I find myself not caring anymore about what other people think of me. And you know what? It's great. I joined clubs, starting wearing clothes I felt amazing in, and became everyone's friend. The funny thing is, "preppy" is now trending in my school. When I first returned back to my style, people made comments and made fun of the way I dressed. But now, I get compliments on my style, as I think people now realize that this is who I am. 

This year was my best year yet, in terms of confidence. I am beyond excited for the year ahead, now that I'm truly comfortable with myself. And according to my horoscope, Virgos are supposed to have a very lucky and special year!!!

I'm going out to dinner tonight with my family to celebrate, and then into the city Saturday for a little bit of shopping. Nothing too big, just a nice meal at my favorite restaurant and quality time with the family! It's going to be a nice change compared to my big Sweet 16 last year. I'm more appreciative this year of the place I'm at in my life right now, not the gifts. 

So, it's time to blow out the candles and say hello to what will hopefully be a great year ahead! Looking ahead, I know there are many great things to come. Improving my blog, applying to colleges, traveling...

I am so happy to be 17! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo,
Ashley Ann 

P.S. I'm 17 on the 17th. You only get one of these special birthdays in your life! If only the year was 2017...

Update: I passed my driver's test!!!

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