Monday, September 14, 2015

Productivity Tips

I know in high school, the studying is nowhere near as bad as college, but it can be overwhelming at times. Especially since high schoolers generally have a lot LESS time to get things done (we're in school for 8 hours a day, plus have 1000 extra curricular activities after school!). I have a few tips on how to stay motivated, organized, and able to remember the material. Studying is hard. There's no getting around it! But by changing a few simple things, it's much more manageable.

Study In Intervals | This one has helped me the most in terms of staying focused and on task. I set the timer on my phone for 25 minutes, and get to work! The time seriously flies, and when the 25 minutes is up, I almost want to keep working. But you have to make yourself stop and take a 5 minute break (no more than 5 minutes though). I'll go play with my dog, walk around my house, go to the bathroom, or grab a snack. Then, when I sit back down, I'm refreshed and ready to begin working again. 

Get Rid of Distractions | It can be really hard not to check your phone every 2 seconds when beeps and vibrations keep going off. Solve that issue right off the bat by putting your phone on airplane mode. This will prevent all notifications from coming in. I also like to "hide" my apps. I keep the clock app (that has the timer) and boring apps on the home screen. But everything potentially tempting-Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest- goes on it's own page in the back where I won't be able to see it when I switch the timer on & off. However, social media isn't your only distraction! Noise can be a big one too. If I'm at home, my mom is normally making dinner or my sister is listening to some music. The sounds can be very distracting when I'm trying to absorb information! I wear my Bose noise canceling headphones and put on my favorite app, CoffitivityThis app changed my life! It plays the background of a bustling coffee shop; basically just white noise. I cannot concentrate when it's deathly quiet- the silence is too loud for me, haha. I set the app to the "morning murmur" setting. It simulates a real life coffee shop! If you are near a coffee shop and can actually work there, even better. Try to avoid listening to music with words- I find myself focusing on the lyrics rather than what I'm studying. 

Be Inspired | Sometimes, all you need is a little extra motivation. Either go on Pinterest and search inspirational quotes, or actually read blog posts/articles on studying or productivity. I love researching new study tips on Pinterest or Google. As soon as I find a cool trick, I immediately want to try it out and start studying! One of my favorite study/organizational blogs is Organized Charm. So helpful. 

Color-Code | When you're taking notes, or making a study guide, separate different categories into colors. Maybe you'll do definitions in green, important dates to remember in red, and main ideas in pink. When you're looking back on your notes later, you'll be thankful that everything is separated and that the information is easy to find.

Summarize/Read Out Loud | I love reading the summaries at the end of textbook chapters before I actually read the whole thing. That way, I can see the bigger picture and better understand the content. I also try to read out loud when possible. Hearing the words come out of my own mouth helps the information really sink in. 

Visualize Goals | If I think about the end product, I almost always feel motivated to do the task. For example: I want to get a good score on the SAT. Well, by finishing that practice test, you're gaining MORE practice and better preparing yourself for the real test. Thus, you're more likely to get a better score. Seeing your end goal in the future allows you to realize how the smallest, most annoying tasks start to add up to the bigger picture. 

Do you have any productivity tips?! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann 

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