Monday, September 7, 2015

2 Books I've Read and Loved

Before I get into the post, I just wanted to say that I'm going to be out of commission for a couple of weeks. I ended up spraining my knee and tearing some ligaments today... yikes. Not going to go into details, but I'm in a lot of pain, in a knee brace, and on crutches. No outfit posts will be going up for at least a week! Now onto the actual post:

I did a lot of reading this summer! It felt so great to get back into the adventures and stories of a different world- reading is most definitely my escape. I'm going to try my best to continue reading throughout the school year, but I know it's going to be difficult with everything I have planned for the upcoming year. I did get through 2 great reads this summer however! 

Getting Things Done: The Art Of Stress-Free Productivity: hands down this book has changed my life for the better. There were countless tips, tricks, and lifestyle changes that completely turned around the way I approached work. I can say for sure that my stress levels are at an all time low (even with college applications going on), just from reading this book. I would refer this book to anyone- even if you think you aren't stressed, you most likely are, as I found out from this helpful guide. One of my favorite things the book taught me was how to prioritize my time and split projects up into "horizontal" and "vertical" organization. Horizontal, meaning every project that needs to get done in your life, and vertical, meaning all the specific actions required to get each specific project done. 

Down The Rabbit Hole: I talked about this book during one of my weekly round-ups and recently finished it.  I found it fascinating to learn about the life of Playboy bunnies behind the mansion walls. I feel a ton of sympathy towards these girls- it wasn't all fun & games! The memoir itself was pretty long, but interesting enough. I researched Holly Madison (the author) after finishing, and loved finding out more about her. A quick, easy read that will keep you reeled in until the end! 

What were some of your favorite reads this summer?! 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann

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