Monday, July 20, 2015

Winvian Farm Packing List

This summer has seriously been amazing... How is it flying by so fast?! I've been really productive with my studying (I schedule all my study times in google calendar), and I've also been seeing a lot of friends/going to events. Even though I'm at the beach, I've been wanting a refreshing change of scenery- in comes Winvian Farm
I talked about going here back in June, and the trip is finally here!!! We leave tomorrow early in the morning to make our 11 am tee time. While I am very excited about the trip, I've been at a loss for what to pack here. The farm is technically a 5 star resort, yet we'll also be doing some major outdoor things (horseback riding, canoeing, ... river tubing!!). I've tried to keep my outfits pretty versatile, sticking to shorts & tee shirts, along with a couple of nicer dresses for dinner. I think I did pretty well in the wardrobe department! (Can you tell I tried to center my outfits around navy?) Here's some standout items I packed to bring with me: 

More Winvian Farm posts on the way! Praying that the things I packed work out well on the trip! 

Any favorites from this list?!

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo, 
Ashley Ann

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