Thursday, January 21, 2016

Winter Skincare

Lately, I've really been struggling with my skin. Not because of breakouts, but because of dryness. A couple of weeks ago, it was actually to the point where my skin was so itchy and tight that it burned like crazy. This is not only inconvenient and painful for me, but it's affecting how I feel on a daily basis. It's taken some major self esteem to be able to walk out the door some days when my skin clearly had red, dry patches all over it. Obviously, I knew I had to make some changes in my daily skincare routine. My skin definitely changes types between seasons. Summer, I'm oily and prone to breakouts. But winter? My skin is splotchy, red, and dry like you can't even believe. I've been testing out some new products and wanted to share what's been working the best with MY skin (this does not mean that it will 100% work for you!). 

For moisturizers, I've been alternating between 3. I love the Origins Night a Mins cream to use all over my face for added hydration at night. It smells good (like oranges!), thickens but then sinks into your skin, and does a great job of keeping my whole face hydrated. When I know my face has a lot of dry patches, I go for the Kiehl's ultra hydration moisturizer to help those problem areas. It's intensely hydrating and  targets specific regions of my face. Sometimes I'll even use this for a daytime cream if my skin is particularly bad that day. As for a daily moisturizer, I love the classic Kiehl's daily moisturizer with SPF- which is great because the sun still shines, even in the winter! 

For eye cream, I love my Kiehl's avocado eye cream. It's very hydrating and gentle on the under eye area. I typically have dryness problems underneath my eyes, and this helps keep the issue at bay. However, I do use a prescribed medication when the puffiness is extreme. It's a great winter eye cream that honestly will work for all skin types. 

Lips have been a particular problem this year that I've never really had to deal with before. I have a dry patch right above my upper lip which makes it difficult to wear foundation (the flakiness is basically amplified with makeup over the dry spot). I keep a tiny tub of Vaseline with me at all times and reapply all day. It really has been working wonders when I use it! It immediately hydrated my lips and relieves the redness for a while. I'm not sure what else I can do at this point, except wait it out. I'm using the thickest stuff I can find and its helping momentarily, but not doing anything in the long run. Hopefully I will be able to find a solution for this soon. 

Drinking Water- generally, I've been trying to drink a lot more water so that my skin will be hydrated from the inside even if it won't be from the outside. I haven't seen any immediate results yet, but I'm going to try and keep doing it in order to see an outcome (plus it's a resolution of mine to drink more water this year). Unrelated to drinking water but kind of similar, I keep a tiny bottle of Evian water on my beside table. When my face is burning or feels hot, I spray a little all over my face- it immediately feels so refreshing and soothes my skin. You can buy these adorable little bottles at Sephora in the checkout aisle. Or, you could not be a sucker for mini products like me and put regular water in a spray bottle (way simpler and cheaper). 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

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