Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New Years Resolutions

Every year, I always come up with a handful of resolutions but only stick to one or two. Even then, I rarely follow through with them the entire year. But this year I'm really going to try and stick with my resolutions! I've made a shorter list & more manageable goals. So, here are my New Year's Resolutions for 2016:

1. Read a little every night before bed- I've actually been doing really good with this. I've read over 15 new books between November and December! Hopefully this number will only rise as I get more time second semester.

2. Start everything early- I'm the world's biggest procrastinator and I tell myself all the time, "oh I'll start this tomorrow." Well I'm putting an end to it. This year, I'm going to do stuff as it comes up, so that I won't be overwhelmed when things start piling up.

3. Weekly yoga classes- I really want to start weekly yoga classes! There was a brief period last year where I was regularly going to yoga, but I stopped for a multitude of reasons (more like excuses). I'd really like to get back into it, possibly with my sister and a couple of friends!

4. Skincare- I've been neglecting my skin lately, so I want to really try and take better care of it this year. To put it simply, I just have to reestablish my routine.

5. Spend more time with friends- this resolution is the one I want to try and make work the most. Between work, school and extracurriculars, I can't remember the last time I actually had a planned get together with a bunch of my friends, or made plans with someone individual. I really just need to stop staying "no" to trivial obligations and "yes" to social gatherings. I've been putting my social life on the back burner sadly and it's getting a little lonely. Yes, I've been able to get a lot done in terms of my academic and work life, but I think it's time that I relax a little bit and enjoy the last of my high school career! 

**Update: Between the time that I drafted this post and the present, I've actually been sticking to this resolution quite a bit! I've been loving reconnecting with all my friends and getting back into the swing of things (meaning, not an endless pit of homework, work and applications).

6. Try something new every month- my goal for January is skiing! I know how to snowboard but for some reason, I've never picked up a pair of skis in my life. I'm hoping to head up to Mont Tremblant with my family sometime soon so that we can all learn together. If not this month, definitely next! 

Hopefully, I will be able to stick to all these resolutions and not just one or two!

Thanks for reading!

-Ashley Ann

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