Sunday, January 31, 2016

Weekly Round Ups

I got my butt kicked this week. It was the last week of the semester, so all of our teachers were cramming in last minute tests and what not. I did something a little out of my comfort zone and ended up entering in a ping pong tournament last minute with a few of my friends! Ha, I lost every game but I ended up having the best time. Maybe it was a mistake entering in the intermediate bracket instead of beginner but... That was on Friday and a whole bunch of us went to dinner in Princeton afterwards. Following dinner we went for hot chocolate and that's when I started to feel pretty crummy. I ended up cutting the party short and drove myself home while trying not to pass out. I got home, crawled into bed and discovered I had a pretty bad fever. I guess all the running around lately has finally caught up with me! It's Sunday now as I'm writing this and I'm feeling a little bit better but still sick. Yesterday was spent watching a lot of Netflix, today was spent finishing my last two college applications that are due tomorrow (!!!). 

Now onto my weekly round ups: 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

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