Friday, March 6, 2015

Favorite Internet Humans

The internet is a huge part of my life and everyone around me. I am guilty of spending hours scrolling down my Instagram feed, watching snapchat stories, or reading blogs. There are so many beautiful human beings on the internet that I adore and follow religiously, and I thought I would share some amazing people I love. Whether it be an Instagram account I enjoy, a Twitter feed, Youtube channel, or blog, I've listed a few internet personalities that make it a little easier to procrastinate and escape the real world. You may even find yourself wishing your life was as cool as theirs! (Let yourself think that only for a moment though-everyone's lives are highlighted to appear perfect on the internet, be happy with your own!) Enjoy.

Ingrid is without a doubt my favorite Youtuber. Be prepared: you will spend hours upon hours clicking video after video! Her channel focuses mainly on beauty and fashion, but I've noticed lately that it's beginning to transition into a lifestyle channel! She preaches the importance of enjoying all of life's little moments, and really inspires me to find my passion in life. Ingrid is so quirky and down to earth, I absolutely adore her!

-50 Things I Love About NYC (only increases my desire to live there!!)

Ok, this blog is basically the bane of my existence. I discovered it a few years ago, and have been a loyal reader ever since. Carly Heitlinger will forever be my girl crush. She's quirky, beautiful, has amazing style, and somehow manages to be a real person on top of all that. Her type A personality is so relatable (at least to me, the perfectionist), and her voice really shines through in her writing. She's the queen of inspirational posts that remind you to take life as it comes. This blog has cheered me up too many times to count, and her pinterest-worthy life is to die for!

-"On My Radar" (love them all!)

Instagram// Ingrid Nilsen

Once again, Ingrid steals the spotlight. Her pictures brighten my instagram feed and just make my day a whole lot brighter. Plus, her style is swoon-worthy!

Blog// Essie Button

After discovering this Canadian born beauty blogger, I spent hours sifting through post after post on her website. She makes every product seem so luxurious, even if it's from the drugstore. I'm extremely jealous because she seems to have completely perfected the flawless "no makeup" makeup. Even if she's wearing bright pink lips and winged liner, she manages to look sophisticated and chic. Her Youtube channel was created after she started the blog, and it's also a fav for me! She's hilarious and really lets her personality shine through. Keep doing what you're doing, Estee!


-Any "Sunday Stuff" post

Twitter// Meghan Rosette

This girl is seriously hilarious. Every tweet is funnier than the last! With extremely relatable problems, (like Netflix binges and the sad reality of failed winged liner) I know that anytime I see a tweet from her, it will put a smile on my face. Like many other people in this post, she also has a Youtube channel for beauty and fashion.


Lauren Conrad always has been, and will forever be my girl crush. I could go on hours and hours talking about her! I swear Pinterest was created based on her life. Her website team created this beautiful & amazing account. When I made my Pinterest account, I knew the first person I was going to follow was the Lauren Conrad company. The boards are a whimsical whirlwind of beaches, balloons, pretty dresses, and inspiring quotes.


Youtube// Sarahbelle93x

Most adorable. girl. ever. The cutest preppy southern gal, Sarah captures my heart every time I watch one of her videos. She has amazing style, her hair always looks fabulous, and she has an addiction to handbags. (can I be best friends with her?) She's also one of the few youtubers who has actually attended a 4-year college. Her college & sorority advice videos are just the best.


Instagram// Carly Heitlinger

Once again, Carly takes center stage. Her Instagram page in one word is simply beautiful. An extension of The College Prepster, she posts outfit of the days, pictures of her coffee, and her adorable puppy!

Any particular internet humans you love? 

Thanks for reading and see you soon! Xoxo,
Ashley Ann

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