Sunday, August 7, 2016

Weekly Roundups

I don't know what it is, but this week dragged on forever (though not in a bad way). I was back and forth all week between making the drive up to my other house to see a friend before college, physical therapy appointments, and going to the boardwalk. My entire Dad's side of the family came to visit this weekend for a huge family reunion. My one uncle just got a new chihuahua puppy and it's hilarious watching Max interact with him! Max got so confused by this tiny little dog- they're adorable together. It's been so fun seeing everyone and catching up. We do this about twice a year: Christmas Eve and the first week of August! Everyone is leaving today, so this week I'm really trying to get the bulk of my college shopping over with. I still need to order about 25 things from Amazon and 15 from Bed Bath & Beyond (oops). Here's some great links I found during the week: 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann  

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