Sunday, July 3, 2016

Weekly Round Ups

This week was busy preparing for my surgery that was on Wednesday: picking up new books, getting my room ready, running errands... Though I'm not sure I'll be dressing up super chic for the Fourth of July this year because of my knee, I still want to be festive! I don't have the time to put together an inspiration post, so I linked a whole bunch of bloggers that did! Enjoy this week's Americana inspired round ups:

10. I like how Julia dressed up denim shorts with a festive tweed blazer. 

A new blog I'm loving: Rhyme and Reason. Jillian's photography is beautiful and her style is so classically chic! 

On the blog this week: 5 amazing books, all about my eyebrows, and the Ann Taylor sale + some of my favorite pieces. 

Thanks for reading! 

-Ashley Ann 

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